Generally speaking, intelligence is the mental and global capacity of a person to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment. Most of the circumstances in our lives are managed by our intelligence with one main goal: to enjoy the best possible life.
Intelligence Quotient tests are the best known method to measure our intelligence. In spite of this, IQ tests may fail to measure skills such as musical talent and a slew of other abilities that may lead one to many different successes in life. However, your score on the IQ10f® test will give you a very accurate indication if the ability you possess to think, to reason and to solve problems which can often be critical in many phases of your life.
Like the best Intelligence Quotient tests, IQ10f® Test does not attempt to measure the amount of information you have learned but rather your capacity to learn. Once you have completed the test, we will compare your score and results to those obtained by people of your age and then provide a normalized score.
Are you up for a Challenge? Take our most featured IQ test and get your intelligence measured now.
The brain is made up of billions of nerve cells or neurons, which communicate with each other by releasing and receiving chemicals called neurotransmitters. These chemicals travel through dendrites, root-like structures which branch out and seek connections with nearby neurons at junctures called synapses. The more of these dendrites and synapses we have, the greater our "brain power" - our ability to process information, to perceive, interpret, reason, problem-solve, remember, and do all kinds of tasks associated with learning. It appears that every time we do or experience something (read a book, have an emotion, look at a picture) a specific group of neurons associated with that activity "lights up", stimulating the growth of more dendrites and "exercising" those already in place, making them better processors of information. All else being equal, the denser and more efficient these neural connections are, the easier it is to do the thing that is associated with that area of the brain. A few more relevant pieces of information: