Albert Einstein

Are you gifted?


Identifying giftedness can be tricky, particularly regarding those who test right around that "magic" cutoff point of 130 or so. IQ tests are certainly imperfect instruments and only one piece of the puzzle. Your insight and instincts, along with those of your child's teachers, can often be the most important pieces needed to truly understand your child's unique gifts and potential.

The brain is made up of billions of neurons, which communicate with each other by releasing chemicals called neurotransmitters. These travel through dendrites, structures which branch out and seek connections with nearby neurons. The more of these dendrites exist, the greater the power of our brain. It is interesting that every time we do something (read a book, observe a picture) a specific group of neurons associated with that activity light up. Gifted people most likely are born with a denser neural connections.

Nevertheless, we should bear in mind that giftedness shows up in a different way in each person; it's known that Albert Einstein learned to speak at a late age.

You can also read our articles: Having a high IQ is not a guarantee of success and Is your child gifted or just smart?

1. Terrible awful experience in school.

Most schools are not appropriate for gifted student. You might have been a loner who thought a lot but never said much, or a troublemaker everyone thought was on her way. Most likely you were bullied; students made you feel like you didn't fit in and you didn't. You probably were more creative and more intelligent than the rest of class-mates.

2. People say you're intense.

Gifted people feel things much more than others. It's that same intensity that makes you successful. Perhaps, as a gifted adult, you have an increased sense of empathy. We suggest you put aside those people who shut down your intensity.

3. Looking for perfection

Gifted adults have a strong need for order; it's a strong belief.

4. You move from job to job.

Gifted adults often have several careers because they have multiple talents and multiple passions. In most of the cases, a career path doesn't fulfill anymore after a few months, when most people would reach that point within six years. Gifted people are always wondering “what’s next”.

Schools that have programs for gifted students are often able to identify gifted kids by using traditional screening methods like group IQ tests, review of achievement test scores and past grades, observation, and getting input from teachers and parents.

However, parents should become familiar with the signs of giftedness even before their child starts school. Most school districts do not even start identifying children for gifted programs until second or third grade, and parents of exceptionally bright or gifted children may want to consider private testing or alternative placement options (such as a private preschool program or early grade acceleration) before that time.

Early testing and identification can be a controversial subject, but many advocates of gifted children believe that they should be identified as soon as possible so that their unique needs and talents can be acknowledged and nurtured right from the start.

Language Skills

While most children are able to form recognizable sentences and understand complex language by about two years of age, gifted children often reach these milestones earlier. As they approach school age, other language skills may appear advanced or sophisticated. Some of the traits of giftedness to look for when considering your child's language development in relation to others of a similar age include:

  • A highly developed vocabulary and the ability to learn new words easily.
  • The tendency to speak quickly.
  • The early use of longer, more complex sentences while using appropriate grammar.
  • Early reading, if given some instruction and opportunity. Many gifted children have already learned how to read before entering school.
  • Continually asking questions about what they see and hear, and wanting to receive thorough responses and explanations.
  • The ability to understand and carry out multi-step directions at an early age. (e.g., Go to the dining room, get the blue book on the table and put it back on the shelf in your room, then bring me the clothes on your bed so I can wash them).
  • The ability to understand and participate in adult conversations. Gifted children often pick up nuances or double meanings early on - so watch what you say!
  • The ability to change the language they use when speaking to different audiences. For example, a four-year-old gifted child might use more advanced words and sentence structure when speaking to adults or older children, and then talk in a simpler, more childlike way when addressing his three-year-old cousin.

Learning Abilities

What distinguishes gifted children from others is the apparent natural ease and joy with which they go about doing this. Their brains appear to be mental sponges, effortlessly absorbing and incorporating new information and ideas. Many gifted children are natural learners who show some of the following characteristics:
  • The ability to learn quickly and efficiently - to pick up ideas and skills effortlessly.
  • A tendency to become highly focused on certain areas of interest (e.g., bugs, space, animals) and independently seek out information on these topics.
  • The ability to ask questions that show advanced insight or understanding.
  • A deep fund of knowledge - they know more about the world around them than you would expect.
  • Excellent memory and easy recall of what they previously heard, saw, or learned.
  • A tendency to read often on their own and to frequently prefer reading to more physical activities.
  • Little need for direction or instruction when beginning a new activity, learning a new game, or acquiring a new skill. They may also insist on doing things on their own, or in their own way.
  • Early development of motor skills involving balance, coordination, and movement.
  • Pleasure in talking to older children and adults about topics that interest them.
  • An understanding of their own thinking and learning processes. They may have preferred ways of learning and resist using other methods suggested by a teacher or adult. They are able to sense how much and what kind of studying they need in order to master a skill or topic.
  • Creative thinking. Gifted children may enjoy coming up with their own ways to solve problems and take delight in complexity and making connections between seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts.
  • The ability to concentrate on a topic of interest for an unusually long period of time.
  • An inclination to see learning as fun. They take joy in discovering new interests or grasping new concepts.

Emotional and Behavioral Traits

Gifted children are often more emotionally intense than others. They can also be more sensitive to others' feelings and circumstances and may display a great deal of empathy in situations where others their age appear indifferent.

  • A high activity level. Gifted children can appear to have an endless source of energy - constantly moving, talking, asking and exploring.
  • The tendency to think and talk fast. Because they may be trying to speak as quickly as they think, gifted children are often asked to "slow down" so the listener can understand them. They can also become frustrated when they feel that others are talking too slowly, or taking too long to "get to the point."
  • Strong leadership qualities. Gifted kids often make natural leaders who take charge and lead others in new directions.
  • Ability to relate to older kids and adults. Because their cognitive skills and interests can be advanced for their years, gifted kids have an easier time connecting with and learning from those older than themselves.
  • Enjoyment of alone time. While gifted children may enjoy spending time with others, including mental mates (whether their own age or adults), they can also enjoy spending time on more solitary activities such as reading, writing, daydreaming, observing, or just thinking.
  • Appreciation of natural beauty and art. Gifted children may particularly enjoy being around and pointing out trees, sunsets, flowers, the ocean, animals, and other things of inherent beauty. They can also show a deep interest in certain forms of art - paintings, sculptures, or music, for example.

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